Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shower Time

Over the last month, it has been a whirlwind of showers. Thanks to everyone that was invloved in one way or another. The hostesses did an amazing job, and all the amount of gifts that we received was overwhelming! What a blessing to have people around us that have such generosity. Thank you so much. Here is a sampling of the pictures from the showers.

Along with the showers, everything else is right on track (knock on wood). Priscila is feeling good, and the doctor's visits are going great too. The finishing touches are being put on the nursery, and thanks to Priscila's mom it looks awesome (pictures to come soon). Thanks to her for the time and effort that she spent on the room.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dallas--November 2, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

September Picture

The First 7 Months-Let's Catch You Up!

Where to start...well, it's been 7 months already since we found out that we have a little one coming. It has started to sink in more and more as we have gone along, and the time has gone pretty fast. I'll try to hit the highlights, get you up to date (Priscila will probably give the detailed version at some point)...We found out in May that we would have little one here sometime around January...Priscila has felt good for the entire pregnancy so far (knock on wood) morning sickness...found out that it's going to be a boy...monthly doctor's visits have been pretty uneventful (in a good way)...due date on January 23, 2008.

More to come...

First BLOG

This is our first attempt at an official blog, so we'll see how it goes. Priscila and I wanted to set this up in order to keep family and friends up to date on us, and especially the pregnancy and birth of our first child. Since we have quite a bit of family that does not live real close to us, we thought that this might be a good way to let them all see what was going on with us, and to see all those soon to come baby pictures without us having to send out emails all the time with pictures attached. So, thanks for checking out the blog, and we'll try and stay as current as possible on it.