Sunday, November 2, 2008

9 Months Old

We've made it to 9 months, and it has gone pretty quick! All is well, Ryder is growing quickly, crawling all over the place, and looks like he may try to start walking soon. Two teeth have broken through and he's thinning out a little, probably from crawling around so much. He's in 18-24 month old clothes, so he's still a pretty big boy for his age. We'll get the official update in a couple weeks at his next checkup.

He enjoyed his first Halloween as a classic Pumpkin, and was pretty indiferent to the whole process. We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas coming right around the corner, and can't wait to see everyone over the holidays.

Monday, September 8, 2008

7 Months Old!

Time flies...sorry it's been a while. Let's see - Where to start.

All is going well, Ryder is a little past 7 months and growing like crazy. At his 6 month checkup he was 'off the charts' on both height and weight. 30 inches and 24.5 lbs. Healthy and strong. He's rolling over, sitting up, laughing, smiling and much more. He's 'army crawling' and seems to be figuring out how to crawl on all fours.

He's loving life, just playing, eating, and sleeping all day. He's also been to his first official Pinata, as seen by the video. No teeth yet, but drooling like a champ and chewing on everything within reach. His parents are hanging in there, just enjoying watching him change almost daily. He's a laid back little guy that stays right on schedule and just loves to hang out.

Hope all are doing well, we look forward to catching up with all of you, and hope you like the pictures.

Mike, Priscila and Ryder

Friday, July 18, 2008

5 Months

5 Months!!

Sorry that it's been so long, but life gets busy, as we all know. Here is a video of the kid laughing...feel free to come back and check it out when you're having a bad day!

We're all doing great, Ryder is getting big, starting to move around a little, and is smiling and laughing a lot more. He's a big kid, off the charts in height and weight. Mom and Dad are hanging in there, and still trying to learn as we go along. We have nothing to complain about, he's a laid back, easy going baby.

He is getting to spend a lot of time with Mom these days, as she's on summer break. They're having a lot of fun hanging out and running around town during the day. We had a great time at the beach over the 4th of July, check out the pics.

Hope everyone is doing well, we'll talk to you soon!

Mike, Priscila, and Ryder

Saturday, May 3, 2008

3 Month Old!

Ryder just turned three months old, and there has been a lot going on! He's been busy doing his favorite things like eating, sleeping, and laughing at his crazy parents. Priscila has gone back to work, and we feel blessed to have Beatriz staying with Ryder everyday. They seem to get along great, and it has been a great situtation so far.

Ryder got to meet his aunts, uncles, and cousins on his Dad's side, as the Indy Dilleys and the Orlando Dilleys descended on Fort Worth. It worked out great as it was the same weekend that Ryder was being dedicated at our church, and it was special to have them and Priscila's family at that event. A couple weeks later Ryder was dedicated at Priscila's Dad's church, and it was great to have Ryder's Grandma from Indiana here for that.

At the two month doctor appointment, everything was right on track, and Ryder got a round of shots. I think it was a little harder on mom than on him! He doesn't go back to the doctor until the 4 month mark, but it seems like he is growing and changing according to schedule. He's pretty big...about 15 pounds at his 2 month checkup.

There's a bunch of new pictures attached. We'll try to keep it a little more updated, as we went over a month this time. Hope all are doing well, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Mike, Priscila and Ryder

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hope everyone had a great Easter, here are a few new pictures from over the last couple weeks. His mom had to put the bunny ears on him, and take the obligatory bathtime picture. He doesn't even enjoy as much as he looks like he does in the picture. It's not one of his highlights. Ryder is doing great, just getting bigger and bigger. He's a lot more awake and alert these days, and is starting to smile. His favorite activities are still limited to eating, sleeping, and being held by his mama, but maybe next week he'll be able to get out there and start throwing the ball around.
Priscila has another week and a half before she goes back to work, and he'll be two months old already next week. It's gone by pretty fast. We look forward to hearing from all of you soon!

Monday, March 10, 2008

1 Month Old!

Ryder is already over a month old, it's hard to believe! Now he is actually almost 6 weeks. He is doing great, he had his 1 month check-up, and everything looks great. He's growing by the day, and weighed in at a solid 10lbs. 9oz. and was 24in. long at his appointment. Here are just a few recent pictures...more to come.

We are all doing well, we have been able to get him out and about a little bit, while still avoiding large crowds and sick people as much as we can. He is sleeping pretty well between feedings, and is sticking pretty well to a consistent schedule. He still wakes up to eat once in the middle of the night, but usually goes back to sleep pretty quickly after that.

Priscila and I are adjusting to being parents and just trying to keep up with Ryder. He is such a blessing and it's already been an awesome experience. We'll definitely post more pictures within the next week!

Talk to you all soon!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2 Weeks Old!

Ryder is now two weeks old...he had his 2 week checkup with the doctor today, and everything is right on track. They wanted him to be back up to his birth weight of 8lbs. 4 oz., and he weighed in at a healthy 8lbs. 15oz. The kid doesn't miss a meal!

Life as parents has been a big adjustment, and we are hanging in there. He's been taking it pretty easy on us so far, letting us get some good chunks of sleep here and there. Although, now of days our definition of 'a good chunk of sleep' has changed dramatically.

Thanks to all of those that have stopped by to see us (we know that it is really to see the kid!), and to those in our Sunday school class that have been so generous with bringing food. It's all been great, we're getting spoiled, and it has been such a great help!

Here are some new pictures...enjoy.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ryder is Here!

He's finally here...Tuesday, January 29th, at 3:24pm, Ryder Joseph Dilley came into the world. He was 8lbs. 5oz. and 22in. long and has a full head of mom's dark hair! Everything went well, and mom and baby came through the delivery process great. What an unbelieveable and overwhelming experience!
Priscila was tough throughout the whole labor process, and was actually making jokes with the labor nurses between pushes. The nurses and the doctors at Harris Southwest were awesome and did everything possible to make the whole experience a pleasant one.

After two days and nights with Ryder in the hospital, they finally kicked us out and wouldn't let us take any of the nurses. We're at home now and are adjusting on the fly to the world of parenthood.

Thanks to all that had Priscila and Ryder in their prayers thoughout, and to those that visited in the hospital, called, texted, etc. Here are some pictures...some of many, as I am already the cheesey dad that can't put the camera down.
We can't wait for you all to meet Ryder!